We have a very active and productive community service side to our guild opportunities. The members of the committee and our membership support many different types of organizations. We have had wonderful support from our membership in supplying The Painted Turtle Camp with several requested items such as:
Other groups we support but not limited to:
Pamela White from Cal Vet VA came to thank our guild members for the wonderful quilts that were donated to our Vets. Pamela told us our Vets appreciate our efforts in creating each of these handmade items.
Patti Voyles is our liaison for Cal Vet VA
October 2022
Quilt and Place mat sizes for each area of community service included
Our Veterans who qualified for a home in the City of Santa Clarita received a Quilt when they moved into their new home. Our members from the SCVQG made each of these Quilts to honor each Veteran and their family. The City of Santa Clarita gave the guild a grant to help support our efforts to make these beautiful Quilts
Kris Dolan lead this project
Steve Anderson came to our meeting and picked out this beautiful Quilt 2016
Our Guild purchased a community brick that is in Veterans Historical Plaza in Santa Clarita 2016
Sargent Owen lost his life in the line of duty in 2016. Quilt made in his honor and given to his wife in 2017
This quilt included 36 blocks done by the members of the guild. Included in them are pieced patterns that were used with permission of designer Linda Hibbert. Borders designed by Patti Voyles, who assembled the top. Machine quilting done by Sue Handley
Quilt put together by the loving hands of SCVQG members
Irene and her dog " Lennon", Irene is a Navy Vet who served during the Gulf War. Lennon is a service dog that helps Irene with her PTSD and anxiety.
Fabric Plus
Wynn Fike
Colleen Kite
Sunrise Rotary
Abbie Pouletich
Santa Clarita Rotary
Greg Nutter
Senior Center
Abbie Pouletich/ Kevin Mac Donald
Certificate Sponsors- Choice Awards
CVFW Post 6885
Santa Clarita Valley Veterans
Santa Clarita Elks Lodge
City of Santa Claritia
Santa Claritia Valley Young Marines
Erik Reifman- Park Supervior
LACounty Fire Station 126
LACounty Fire Station post 73
Grace Elliott
This Charity Quilt was made by the members of the Quilt Guild and donated to the Annual National Multiple Sclerosis Golf Tournament held on September 8, 2008. Raised $500 for Charity and organized by Kris Dolan